Credentials - Dr Wendy Seabrook

Photo of Dr Wendy Seabrook

Dr Wendy Seabrook is the founder and director of Learning from Nature, author of the Eco-logical Farming Handbook and Eco-logical Gardening Handbook, and manager of Hill Top Farm, the education centre for Learning from Nature.

Wendy has spent the last twenty years applying her skills as an ecologist, digging into the science underpinning successful regenerative practices. She combines this research with practical experiences on her farm and a broad range of commercial and home production systems around the world.

Wendy believes: “It’s crazy to ignore the intelligence embedded in natural ecosystems, especially since Nature has undertaken the research and development in every growing condition on the planet – including our own!”

In all her publications and multimedia resources, Wendy translates the science into easily digestible formats. Her presentations and articles have featured on many platforms, including ABC ‘Country Hour’ and Radio National ‘Nights’ in New Zealand.

Hill Top Farm is located in far north Queensland, near Cooktown. When not busy in the office, moving cattle, or growing food, Wendy enjoys exploring the surrounding wild landscapes.

Front cover Ecological Farming Handbook
Front cover of Ecological Gardening Handbook

Relevant Publications

Eco-logical Farming Handbook (Current edition 2024)
Eco-logical Gardening Handbook (Current edition 2024)
Living Mulch Handbook (Current edition 2024)
GrowMap (Current edition 2024)
The No-Mowers Food Grower's Guide 2013 – Australian Government Healthy Communities Program.
Editor - Going Organic Magazine (1997 – 2002)
Organic Guide to Australia (2002)
Guide to Australian organic retailers, restaurants and home delivery services Grass Roots Publications.
Online learning resources New South Wales Technical and Further Education (TAFE) 1997 - 2002
Introduction to Soils
Plant Nutrition,
Natural Area Regeneration
Environmental Awareness
Ecosystem Management


PhD Ecology, University of Sydney, Australia, 1989 - 1993.
M.Sc. Ecology University of Aberdeen, Scotland. 1983 - 1984
B.Sc. (Hons.) Ecology University of Central London 1983.
Diploma in Permaculture, New South Wales Technical and Further Education, 2014.
Forest Garden Design Intensive with Dave Jacke 2013, New South Wales, Australia.
Permaculture Design Certificate 2010, Queensland, Australia.
Continuous Improvement and Innovation,2007, Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, Australia.
Building Rural Leaders Program, 2006, Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, Australia.
Certificate III – Organic Agriculture, Sub-tropical fruit production and Integrated Pest Management New South Wales Technical and Further Education (1997-9).
'Leading and Facilitating Groups' and 'Conflict Management and Negotiation' 2007, Centre for Rural & Regional Innovation – University of Queensland, Australia.

Relevant Experience

CEO and founder of Learning from Nature . Social enterprise.
(2017 - present)
Owner and manager of Hill Top Farm, the education centre and demonstration site for Learning from Nature (2008 - present)
Regional Landcare Coordinator - Cape York Peninsula Landcare Program, Queensland, Australia (2005 - 2009).
Catchment Coordinator - Bungawalbin Catchment Management, New South Wales, Australia (2001 - 2005).
Fig Tree Farm - Organic production - subtropical fruit and strawberries (1995 – 2005 p/t), New South Wales, Australia.
Conference Coordinator - Australasian Council on Tree and Nut Crops International Conference 1995.
Senior Conservation Officer - Queensland Environmental Protection Agency (1993 – 1994)
Research Officer - Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Scotland (1988 - 1989).
Senior Conservation Officer - World Wide Fund for Nature, Aldabra Atoll World Heritage Site, Seychelles (1985 – 1987).
Research Assistant - Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Scotland (1984 – 1985).

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